How I Met Your Mother, Ending and My Feelings

Okay.. I have to Agree the first time when I saw the Ending I felt like ugh!!!!! no!!!!! frankly speaking I felt the Journey was way cooler than the end.

But they say That the Journey matters more than the end and now when that I saw the ending again , It Interests me, The show is really cool, its just that, they should have explained the 6 years after their mother Died as well like in more 7-8 seasons then introduced the last Episode it would’ve been HIMYM(How I Met Your Mother) and HIMYM(How I Missed Your Mother) followed by the ending, it would’ve been a classic 😛

But Still I really Liked the Entire Series,

well My taught’s.. you don’t have to care about them.. 🙂

btw.. Alternative Ending of HIMYM is about to come .. waiting for it 🙂